Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Test Grade

Principal Lay 2nd Period

I believe the students that complained about Principle Lay had every right to do so. He continually violates the First amendment and does not care. The separation of Church and State is there for a reason, to protect the individuals who belief differently. Lay and others involved should definitely be held accountable for their actions. Jail time is too harsh for now, but if the violations continue maybe jail will be necessary.

I do not see any pros for teaching religion is school.
Con: Other beliefs and values

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Article Failure Summary 2nd Period

We technically have two Constitutions. 1776-1787 followed the Articles of Confederation. The Feds (Federalists) were too weak and the states were too strong. Federalism is the division of power between the federal government and the states. Under colonialism, there was a bad view or interpretation of what government should be due to the abuse under British rule. There was a lack of trust in Central power. The Articles limited the power of the federal government. The States were independent States. There was one branch of government under the Articles and it was Legislative. Congress held thirteen members, one from each state, for equal representation. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 gave the federal government jurisdiction to expand the nation. The structure of the Articles of Confederation inhibited the ability of U.S. to advance. There was no president or leader, no court system, no ability to tax, no army, no monetary system, no ability to regulate commerce. Within the legislation there had to be a super majority (9 out of 13 votes) to pass laws and a unanimous decision to amend the Articles. Shay's Rebellion was the straw that broke the camel's back. As a result the Federalists' Papers were written to revamp the Articles of Confederation.  

Bill of Rights Scenarios 2nd Period

1) Scenario #1 violates the Fourth Amendment because the officers do not have a search warrant to legally arrest Mrs. Jones and the officers were invited in the home under another pretense.
2) Scenario #2 violates the First Amendment because Davis has produced all of the necessary documentation and has approval from the city. The mayor violated his right to assembly and petition.
3) Scenario #3 violates the Fourth Amendment because of unreasonable seizure, the government cannot obtain property that belongs to a citizen without reasonable cause.
4) Scenario #4 violates the First Amendment because the principal is making a decision based on religious values. The government and federal owned institutions cannot show favoritism to and/or promote/ establish a single religion.
5) Scenario #5 violate both Fifth and Sixth Amendment because the officer threatened to punish Hans without due process. This scenario also violates the Sixth because Hans was denied council.

Political Cartoon _ 2 Second Period

This cartoon represents the checks and balances system. A method to keep one branch from becoming all powerful. In this cartoon, when there is a vacancy in Supreme Court, which is very important, the president can appoint someone, but without the consent of the Congress the appointment is futile. In this scenario I believe the Legislative branch has the most power.